miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015


Once upon a time a tortoise had  two duck friends , she enjoyed  talking with the ducks , all the day.

After many years living in the pond  it became dried.  The ducks decided to go to another region,. They went to say good-bye to the tortoise .

   The tortoise wanted to leave with them but she  didn't fly.
The ducks  had an idea, they held a stick and the tortoise had to put her mouth in the middle of the stick , she had  to remember that she didn't have  to speak if not she was lost !!

So they started to fly .

In two opportunities de tortoise wanted to speak , but she remembered  she couldn't speak. But in the last opportunity she spoke and fell down .

It is a very good thing to be able to hold one's tongue!


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