miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Story Writing

 Some days ago. Eduard and Robert, have 14 years old, Eduard had brown hair and green eyes and Robert had blond hair and blue eyes, from St. Michael´s college, went to MacDuck’s Fast Food shop. The restaurant was crowded and noisy. It was hot and stuffy.
After of the school the boys go to the MacDuck`s. When they are eating, starting to chatting and the manager say to the boys “Can you stop chatting, please?”, so Eduard say to Robert “I don`t care what say the manager, continue talking”. Robert said "stop talking, but we will punish".
Then the manager punishment to the boys for don`t do that the manager say. And Robert said to Eduard “All is your fall, for not stop talking”.

The boys go to the office of the discipline master and put a suspension for two days.

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