lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017
El centro de nuestro aparato
Investigamos sobre el Sistema Nervioso Central, y hicimos con mis compañeras una presentacion, en la cual explicamos sus partes y funciones. Este sistema es el centro y el que se encarga de nuestro aparato, este capta los estímulos externos a traves de receptores, los traduce a impulsos eléctricos dirigidos hacia el sistema nervioso central (SNC) , a través de un sistema de conductores (nervios), y así, el SNC elabora una respuesta enviada por los nervios
domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017
En la clase de lengua empezamos a trabajar con poesía. Una vez que aprendimos y investigamos sobre la Poesía ,nos dedicamos a investigar otros tipos , los que no son los usuales. En este caso la poesía vanguardista. Una poesía totalmente distinta a la que yo y mis compañeros no estabas acostumbrados a ver ,Después de hacer toda esta investigación y haciendo trabajos con la profesora , fuimos haciendo una actividad por etapas utilizando lo que aprendimos.
Este es mi trabajo
martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017
In the class of drama we were asked to prepared a short movie as a quaterly. We decided to perform as movies characters. we have as characters :
We decided to make a musical theatre combinated with theatre in education.
Theatre in Education is used to encourage effective learning in schools. It´s used by creating something that transmits a message to the audience.
Musical theatre .music theater appears all alog the play, singing and dancing.
Drama element in musical theatre it give at much importance to the song and music
We decided to make a musical theatre combinated with theatre in education.
Theatre in Education is used to encourage effective learning in schools. It´s used by creating something that transmits a message to the audience.
Musical theatre .music theater appears all alog the play, singing and dancing.
Drama element in musical theatre it give at much importance to the song and music
domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017
sin miedo!
Al principio me dio mucho miedo y vergüenza subirme a un escenario y hablar en frente de chicos y profesores, y mas proponiendo una idea , con el miedo de pensar ¿y si no les gusta...?. Pero finalmente me anime y estoy muy contenta de animarme, ya que esta experiencia me va a ayudar mucho , me encanto y estoy muy feliz de que el colegio nos haya propuesto este gran proyecto .
una nueva experiencia
cuando nos dijeron que íbamos a ir a tecnopolis me puse muy contenta,por que nunca tuve la de ir. La verdad que me encanto ir e escuchar nuevas ideas ya que nos ayudaron a mejorar nuestras charlas!
las charlas estuvieron muy interesantes y novedosas. Gracias al colegio pude ir y conocer por que nunca se me hubiese ocurrido ir por mi cuenta .muchass graciass!!

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017
sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017
Hicimos una disección sobre el Femur, luego de investigarlo ,con las imagenes que sacamos y la toma de apuntes decidimos hacer una presentación.
lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017
A view from the bridge
In the Drama class we are reading a play called "A view from the bridge". I selected three themes of the story and explained them with a video.
domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017
Games at twilihgt
In the Literature class we read a story called Games at Twilight written by an Indian writter Anita Desai, and then, we were asked to make work that consist in creating a storyboard of this story choosing relevants quotations to summarize the story and focus on choice of color of the setting. We used the website

Hecho con
jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017
Fahrenheit poster
Esta historia , fue escrita por Rey Bradbury, habla sobre una historia donde los bomberos se dedican a quemar libros, uno de estos bomberos se llamaba Montag, Con esta historia hicimos un póster y elegimos un personaje. En este caso elegimos a Clarearse esta muchacha tiene 17 anos ella estaba en desacuerdo con que quemen libros Prohibidos y tenia una buena relación con Montag , quien fue una causa por la cual montag cambia de opinión.

En este poster podemos ver una muchacha leyendo y al rededor todo fuego. Es lo que estaba pasando actual mente .
Esta historia , fue escrita por Rey Bradbury, habla sobre una historia donde los bomberos se dedican a quemar libros, uno de estos bomberos se llamaba Montag, Con esta historia hicimos un póster y elegimos un personaje. En este caso elegimos a Clarearse esta muchacha tiene 17 anos ella estaba en desacuerdo con que quemen libros Prohibidos y tenia una buena relación con Montag , quien fue una causa por la cual montag cambia de opinión.

En este poster podemos ver una muchacha leyendo y al rededor todo fuego. Es lo que estaba pasando actual mente .
miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017
miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017
In the language class we have been waching a series called 13 Reasons Why .We wrote a diary as if I were Hannah . I wrote about it because I think it is a very interesting scene when Bryce raped Hanna because it´s showing like the main reason why she made that choice of killing herself. After writing that , we made a mindmap of the characteristics of a diary entry in Popplet. Also, we chose an interesting image with a phrase which represents what I wrote
Dear Diary,
I am very nervous, today I had the worst day in my life.This thing that happened to me made me realize that I want to kill myself .
Bryce , a boy from my school invited me to a party. I went to the party. But now today at this time 12 :06 am I am very sorry about having gone to that horrible party.I was in a swiming pool when this happened to me , I was alone and Bryce went into the swiming pool with me. I was in my under wear because I did not have a bikini. I know I am a stupid .
When Bryce entered, he started saying horrible things. I wanted to escape as I realized that something strange was happening but I could not escape.Bryce raped me. I went home very upset.I cant go on with my life .I have decided I am going to kill myself.
Dear Diary,
I am very nervous, today I had the worst day in my life.This thing that happened to me made me realize that I want to kill myself .
Bryce , a boy from my school invited me to a party. I went to the party. But now today at this time 12 :06 am I am very sorry about having gone to that horrible party.I was in a swiming pool when this happened to me , I was alone and Bryce went into the swiming pool with me. I was in my under wear because I did not have a bikini. I know I am a stupid .
When Bryce entered, he started saying horrible things. I wanted to escape as I realized that something strange was happening but I could not escape.Bryce raped me. I went home very upset.I cant go on with my life .I have decided I am going to kill myself.
domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017
lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017
Que sabemos del Potasio
lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017
Todo sobre el Bromo
domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017
jueves, 6 de abril de 2017
Donde se encuentraC?
En la clase de matématica, hicimos varios ejercicios en los cuales, en la mayoría, teníamos que marcar muchos puntos C. Al terminar de resolver los ejércicios tuvímos que explicar como fueron resueltos, en lenguaje matématico.
Luego, todo lo echo en la carpeta lo hicimos en una aplicación llamada geogebra. Estos son los ejércicios que realizamos en geogebra:
Donde se encuentra el punto C?

Luego, todo lo echo en la carpeta lo hicimos en una aplicación llamada geogebra. Estos son los ejércicios que realizamos en geogebra:
Donde se encuentra el punto C?

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017
New Job
In the Language class we had to chose two images and do different exercises.
2. Conversation between the interviewer and the interviewed:
INTERVIEWER- I think that this was a successful interview.
INTERVIEWED- I´m glad that you think that.
INTERVIEWER- You don´t believe it went well?
INTERVIEWED- I think that could have been better.
INTERVIEWER- However, from my point of view you have a lot of potential!
INTERVIEWED- Thank you very much!
INTERVIEWER- We will give you a chance, we would like to have you in our team.
INTERVIEWED- You say that Im in?
INTERVIEWER- If you accept the proposal...
INTERVIEWED- Of course I do! Thank you!
3. Describe a sigh, etc.
The reason we selected this image is because the meaning is that an unemployed person could finally get a job, so his life changed from one day to the other. Consequently, the news that he won a place in that workplace made him very happy because his dream came true. However, he had to make lots of efforts.

2. Conversation between the interviewer and the interviewed:
INTERVIEWER- I think that this was a successful interview.
INTERVIEWED- I´m glad that you think that.
INTERVIEWER- You don´t believe it went well?
INTERVIEWED- I think that could have been better.
INTERVIEWER- However, from my point of view you have a lot of potential!
INTERVIEWED- Thank you very much!
INTERVIEWER- We will give you a chance, we would like to have you in our team.
INTERVIEWED- You say that Im in?
INTERVIEWER- If you accept the proposal...
INTERVIEWED- Of course I do! Thank you!
3. Describe a sigh, etc.
The reason we selected this image is because the meaning is that an unemployed person could finally get a job, so his life changed from one day to the other. Consequently, the news that he won a place in that workplace made him very happy because his dream came true. However, he had to make lots of efforts.
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